Dear parents, time is 11.35pm
It's lights out now and the boys will be waking up bright and early tomorrow for PT before breakfast tomorrow.
We are glad that parents have enjoyed the blog and videos we have posted.
Currently, students in need of medical attention have been seen to and we have contacted the parents for those cases that require the attention of parents.
For the rest who are home-sick, fussy eaters, etc- our dynamic team of teachers have counselled, consoled, reassured them and they are all doing well now.
The purpose of the blog will serve as a conversation point so that when your son returns from the camp, you will have an idea of the type of activities he has engaged in and both parents and child will be able to share this experience as a family.
Even if you do not see your sons or brothers in the clip, you already have an idea of what the boys are going through and will be able to understand better what it is that makes Victoria School so special. In fact, take that as a conversation point to ask him to describe to you his camp experience and how it compared with the rest of his friends.
The blog is meant to empower parents so that they can be shared partners in education with us; don't turn it into a crutch that handicaps you and make it a cause of anxiety.
Have faith in us, more importantly have faith in your son
because he made the right decision to join the Victorian family.
We are all in our own way, Sons of Victoria and we will make you all proud.
Good night parents!
Tomorrow's Camp Fire will start approximately at 8.00pmDetails on the Qik Video Stream will be given closer to the time